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the meaning behind the series

My ON A WOMAN'S PATH personal writings for women came as a dream come true for me. Below are a few personal thoughts that describe the meaning and the commitment guiding this work:

When I was a young leader, I was introduced to a business model that left a lasting imprint on me. Even in my twenties, I could see it was a profound personal call-to-action for my life. The essence of the model, paraphrased as it spoke to me at that time, was that each person, arriving here on this earth comes to make their important contribution. Each creates a link. Each link represents what we learn and accomplish in our lifetime. When all the links are added together, they form a chain of life, representing the history of humanity. Those following us should benefit because we were here. They should have the opportunity to learn from the missteps, milestones and miracles of our great journey.

logoI’ve reached a wonderful time in my life. I believe in my own right, I was one of the pioneers of women’s history in the 20th Century. Things were very different then. Many have worked hard for all of us. I remain grateful for the learning and mentoring that has come from other women along the way—those who took the time to tell their stories, took an interest, and passed on the knowledge from their uncharted explorations of life and work. One of the goals in my life plan at this time is to consciously be in the continual process of "passing the baton" on to other women, creating an enduring link in history for all that was afforded to me. ON A WOMAN'S PATH emerged unexpectedly to open a new way for me to fulfill this personal calling. My vision is that it will be an ongoing dialogue that will be in different forms, always reaching out to others to think, question, explore and connect. It has not extended and changed itself through my personal blogs.

My aspirational goal for these personal writings is to present real life experiences and other commentary—some of my own and some from other women—some from men—in such a way that women reading or joining in the conversation will find it a place to connect, to be understood, to think and question their own lives, to be inspired and motivated to discover their own greatness, realizing how important they are and the difference they can make on a woman’s path.


on a woman's path
missteps, milestones and miracles

by Debbe Kennedy

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