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Below are other personal published writings for women...

the meaning behind my these writings

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Dreams in Action
the path to success and achieving your goals

"In the world where I landed sometimes wanted me to be somebody else, I summoned up the courage not to suppress what later became an anchor for me in life and in my work: the ability to put dreams into action..."

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After a Storm the Birds Sing
defining moments of change and faith
in commenoration - September 11

"...while cleaning out a bookcase, I came upon a card a friend sent to me. I had pasted the saying in the front of a notebook. It read, 'There are defining moments in life...when one is faced with a choice of giving up or going on.' Here was the connection–the common ground I had been searching to find within the joys and tragedies of this year..."

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Calling up Your Courage:
six stepping-stones leading to change and personal renewal

"The act of blaming and complaining about the status quo is in itself a pardox. We do it to release pent-up frustrations, but in reality, all the negative talk never satisfies our longings, brings about resolution or the relief we seek."

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The Grateful Heart:
the home of love, faith, hope and other blessings

"My first recollection of really being startled by the idea of being grateful or ungrateful was several years before my mom passed... I decided to see if I could learn more about what resides in a grateful heart by asking a few special friends to share their thoughts. May their stories and reflections light your grateful heart."

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A New Beginning:
the precious present of another new year

"Life is a series of new beginnings. It is always inviting us to create the lives we want to live–to become more ourselves. ...I now recognize that every minute, every day, every month, every year that we are alive, we have an open invitation to clean out, build up and make our lives better than they were before."

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Personal Change:
dealing with the uncertainties of life and work

"There is a great deal of uncertainty in the air these days–or has it been there all along? Over the years, I've come to understand and appreciate that uncertainty and change are intriguing attributes of this classroom that we call life. ...Recently, someone showed up on my path to shed new light on change and uncertainty. He demonstrates that it is all a matter of perspection how we see change and uncertainty–and choose to make our way through it. I am grateful for the opportunity to share Bill Tipton's story and insights."

Read Bill Tipton's peom: Let the Sun Come in and Shine

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Uncommon Conversations
learning from an unexpected teacher

...once in awhile someone comes along to remind us of how much we are alike as people and how connected we are intended to be in this human family. Occasionally, we are brought to our knees by the experience.

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On The Other Side of War
people lost; faith and friends found

What has kept me going were glimpses of peace that popped up during these weeks...small remembrances of hope on the other side of war. I suppose these small experiences would not have mattered much in another time. I am grateful for them and share them with you.

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Women in Leadership: A Way of Being
reflections, role models and progress

How interesting it is when opportunity knocks on your door. I seized this one, accepting the thoughtful task of pinpointing the qualities I believe will have the greatest impact on the future — those that are badly needed in a world crying out for leadership — those that will help guide us to make our best contributions to this time in history.

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An Untold Journey into Summer
behind the weighty issues of an unexpected season of change

Summer always seems to arrive just a little too soon. Those hefty promises we make over New Year’s to eat right, lose weight, exercise more, somehow end up not quite fulfilled as the days turn warm and the spirit of summer asks more of us. The memories of those years, when all we planned to do came true, gives us hope. The goal, which we often build from some long-lost recollection of being at our best, easily becomes an uphill climb. Let’s face it, for the best of us, it’s hard to recreate oneself into a past image — and there is that haunting question, would you really want to go back there anyway?

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Working Out
things I learned on the way to the gym and the results that followed

Walking into a gym at one time was a terrifying prospect for me. First, finding a gym outfit in my closet was in itself a trauma. Through many steps I made it through the doors. Achievement feels good. I leave you with a few lessons learned. Perhaps they will be an inspiration in your life.

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